Quite often when home owners call to have us look at a tree or shrubs it is to late to save them or there is extensive damage that will take years to recover. That old saying is so true, “an ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure”. When trees and shrubs are in the nursery they are regularly fertilized and sprayed for insects to keep them healthy and looking good. After going through the expense and work of landscaping it only makes sense to continue that care.  Although no program can guarantee you will never have a problem we do guarantee we will use quality products that take care of the most common problems in this area. We also work with a leading arborist in our area if a second opinion is necessary.

We would love to look at your landscaping make recommendations based on your plants.

Early Spring Spray: Dormant oil is sprayed to control overwintering eggs and scale insects
Balanced Granular Fertilizer: As with anything the first step to good health is proper nutrition.  We use a Balanced Fertilizer with micro-nutrients developed for shrubs and trees
Late Spring: This is the time to start treating for insects and fungus if needed. Our insecticide provides control of a wide range of insects including spider mites and aphids.
Summer: This is also a good time to treat for insects. During the heat of the summer your shrubs do not need the added stress from insect damage.
Fall: This is the best time to Fertilize. We use a deep root fertilize, developed for trees and shrubs, and applied to the root zone. This application will help your plants get through the winter and provide necessary nutrients the following spring.  Many non-curable diseases in trees are preventable with proper fertilization.
Late Fall: Anti-Desiccant - This is a coating that helps protect you plants from freeze drying and sudden temperature changes.
We also offer TREE INJECTIONS to protect your trees from many insects and diseases, including Emerald Ash Borer, Birch Borers and Leaf Miners.