Our basic (5) application program includes a quality slow release fertilizer without phosphate. This is not only good for our environment, it is also better for your lawn. The slow release fertilizer will provide continuous feeding between applications and is much less susceptible to run off and leaching after rain. We pride ourselves on this selection of fertilizer for your lawn, IT MAKES A DIFFERENCE!
Early Spring: We treat for crab grass in the early spring with a quality pre-emergent. We will also treat for broadleaf weeds in the early spring and fall.
Late Spring: The best thing to do for your lawn is to apply a quality slow release fertilizer and insecticides to protect your lawn from surface feeding insects. We start our insecticide applications in the late spring before the damage is done. Proper watering and mowing heights are also very important.
Summer: The best thing to do for your lawn is to apply a slow release fertilizer developed for the heat of the summer, [THAT WILL NOT BURN YOUR LAWN] and insecticides to protect your lawn from surface feeding insects. Proper watering and mowing heights are also very important.
Fall: Fall is another good time to treat for broad leaf weeds and apply a quality fertilizer on the lawn. During this time lawns tend to recover from the stress of the summer. Our fertilizer will help your law recover
Late Fall: Our Winterizer, fertilizer contains a higher amount of Potash, this will help your lawns roots recover from the heat of the summer and get through the winter.
Occasionally lawns need more than just fertilizer, surface insect and weed control:
We also offer the following services if they are needed
LIME APPLICATION: to raise the soil PH
AERATION: to relieve soil Compaction and reduce Thatch
AERATION SEED: to maintain a healthy stand of grass
FLEA and TICK APPLICATION: Helps prevent lime disease.